

  1. Stop and take a moment to calm down.  
    Even if there was only minor damage and no injuries DO NOT leave the scene of the accident.  Sit for a minute and take a couple of deep breaths.
  2. Dial 911.
    If vehicles are blocking the roadway or if there are injuries requiring immediate medical attention, dial 911.
  3. Contact the Highway Patrol or Local Law Enforcement.
  4. Do not discuss the accident with anyone but law enforcement and NEVER ADMIT FAULT. Remember, anything you say can be taken out of context and used against you.
  5. Fill out your Glove Compartment Accident Guide.
  6. Provide the other driver your driver's license, car registration and insurance information.
  7. Do not sign anything except a traffic ticket provided by law enforcement.
  8. Take pictures.
  9. Seek medical attention for your injuries.
  10. Contact your insurance carrier to report a claim
  11. Verify What Your Insurance Covers.
    Confirm that your insurance will cover the costs for towing or a replacement rental car.
  12. Contact an attorney.
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